University of Lille

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University of Lille

Organisation Introduction

The University of Lille Located at the crossroads of Europe, close to Paris, Brussels and London, is recognised worldwide for the excellence of its research and teaching. CRIStAL (Research center in Computer Science, Signal and Automatic Control of Lille) is a laboratory of the National Center for Scientific Research at Lille University. CRIStAL covers many digital science themes, from the most theoretical to the most applied. The general objective of the PERSI team involved in ELECTROLIFE project is to guarantee the operational availability and sustainability of industrial system equipment. This integrated problem requires in a first phase to detect and isolate the faults before failure (progressive faults and cataleptic faults) then in a second step, to predict (anticipate failures) and finally, in a third step, to estimate the remaining useful life or manage operation in degraded mode.


The PERSI research team at CRIStAL has developed its research results in the field of supervision in terms of diagnosis and prognosis of hydrogen production systems through recognized publications and European and industrial projects, and validated them through applications on a reduced-scale multi-source platform at the laboratory. The aim of his research is to test these algorithms on an industrial scale to improve the lifespan of electrolysers using different technologies.


Understanding and identification of electrolyser degradation to improve their durability is a complex task because of coupling different physical domain in the system. Our expertise consists in use a unique tool called Linear Fractional Transformation uncertain Multiphysics model (based on Bond graph theory) that will allow to address issues from generic dynamic modelling to online diagnosis and robust prognosis.

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“The ELECTROLIFE project will help us to provide manufacturers (i) with dynamic models for optimal management of the operating modes of multi-source platforms and technical feasibility studies, and (ii) implementing on-line algorithms for managing the health and prognosis (predictive maintenance) of green hydrogen production facilities.”

Project progress


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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