The ELECTROLIFE coffee break with Alessandro Mariani from Loccioni

My name is Alessandro Mariani. I’m a mechanical engineer and I have been working at Loccioni since 2010. I have always worked in the R&D department on the development of test instrumentation for the automotive market. In recent years, I have also expanded my interest to the complete hydrogen chain, from production to usage.

What was your original motivation to become a researcher?
“Ever since I was a student, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of being a researcher – the person in a white lab coat working in a laboratory filled with advanced equipment. My passion for this grew over the years as I continued my studies, and it finally became a reality when I started working at Loccioni. I love my job because it allows me to directly experiment with my ideas and face new challenges every day.”

What is your (main) research area today?
“At Loccioni, I’m involved in all aspects of the hydrogen market, from green hydrogen generation by electrolyzers to fuel cells or internal combustion engines. As Loccioni, we design test benches and test equipment in all the hydrogen chains, and actually, my target is to understand the best way to test each kind of electrolyzer.”

What are the main objectives of your team in ELECTROLIFE?
“In the ELECTROLIFE project, we have to design and realize the test benches that will be used to collect experimental results and verify and improve electrolyzer performance. As Loccioni, we supply test benches for electrolyzers to many customers all over the world; we have designed benches from a few kW to hundreds of kW in size. We are building the next laboratories to test electrolyzer, fuel cell and their sub-components.”

Which aspects of your research at ELECTROLIFE do you find the most innovative and what unique opportunities offer ELECTROLIFE to you and your organisation?
“The ELECTROLIFE project presents a unique opportunity to join the European hydrogen community, alongside industry and academic partners. For Loccioni, it offers a great chance to enhance competencies and expand our network. The most innovative aspect for me is the opportunity to work concurrently with various electrolysis technologies and contribute to their improvement.”

How do you see the future use and impact of the ELECTROLIFE results?
“Electrolysis, in all possible technologies, will have a key role in the “hydrogen chain” since it is the main system to produce green hydrogen. Improving electrolyzer reliability is one of the most important goals to facilitate the widespread use of green hydrogen at competitive costs.”

Project progress


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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