The ELECTROLIFE coffee break with Christian Heubner from Volytica Diagnostics GmbH

“I am a senior electrochemistry expert at Volytica diagnostics GmbH, a German company specialising in cloud-based monitoring of batteries and expanding into other green technologies such as electrolysers for green hydrogen production. In my role as project manager, I oversee the coordination of volytica’s contributions to ELECTROLIFE. The project will result in the development of  a cloud-based software solution to efficiently monitor large electrolysers to ensure safety, optimise performance and extend lifetime.

Prior to joining volytica, I spent a decade in academia working on the development and characterisation of materials and components for electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems. I am a chemical engineer with a PhD in materials science and electrochemistry.”

What was your original motivation to become a researcher
“I have always been curious about how nature works. During my studies, I discovered that science could help me answer these questions. Since then, I have been fascinated by scientific thinking and scientific methods and decided to pursue an academic career after graduation. I firmly believe that scientific thinking and education are the key to solving the major problems facing humanity today, not only in technological terms, but also in ethical, political and social terms.”

What is your (main) research area today?
“After many years of working in an academic environment on the characterisation of electrochemical storage devices and converters, I am now applying my experience into practice. At volytica, I am working on the development of innovative algorithms and data-based methods to extract as much information as possible from field data of electrochemical systems. This includes the detection and prediction of safety-critical behaviour, the optimisation of efficiency and performance, and the prolongation of useful lifetime through targeted adaptation of operation conditions.”

What are the main objectives of your team in ELECTROLIFE?
“We are engaged  in this project because we believe that enhancing the durability of electrolysis technologies is a crucial step towards their broader adoption. By improving the lifetime of electrolysers, we can make green hydrogen production more reliable and cost-effective, thereby accelerating the transition to sustainable energy.

A significant aspect  of our contribution is the development of a cloud-based software solution for monitoring electrolysers. This enables real-time monitoring of critical operating parameters. From the data obtained, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are derived that allow the user to gain deeper insight into the evolution of functionality, degradation and performance over the life of the electrolyser. In addition, models are implemented that allow long-term prediction of these KPIs based on the usage profile. This allows  knowledge-based decisions to be made to extend the life of the electrolyser and the usage profile to be adjusted accordingly.

We aim to support academic partners in analysing degradation phenomena and, at the same time, provide industrial partners with an efficient solution for optimising operating expenses (OPEX) or capital expenditure (CAPEX).”

What expertise and facilities does your team have to meet those objectives?
“Our interdisciplinary team of computer scientists, data analysts, engineers and electrochemists has over 10 years of experience in cloud-based monitoring and analyses of large battery storage systems and electric vehicle fleets. We have a strong background in the detection and prediction of anomalies and ageing effects in electrochemical systems using innovative algorithms and data-based methods to analyse all kinds of field data. This experience provides an ideal basis for expanding volytica’s portfolio to include electrolysers.”

Which aspects of your research at ELECTROLIFE do you find the most innovative and what unique opportunities offer ELECTROLIFE to you and your organisation?
“Predicting the useful life of electrolysers as a function of the operating conditions is highly innovative and enables major improvements in terms of material, cost and energy savings. I view this project as a great opportunity for volytica to develop unique selling propositions in a rapidly growing future market and to make a significant contribution to the transition to a sustainable, green energy economy.”

How do you see the future use and impact of the ELECTROLIFE results?
“In general, any technology or method developed and validated in ELECTROLIFE can be directly applied to improve existing electrolysis systems. This is particularly promising in terms of life extension. Owners and operators of electrolysis plants can directly use the diagnostic tools developed by volytica to specifically optimise performance and lifetime, thus minimising OPEX and CAPEX.”

Project progress


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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