Technische Universität Graz

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Organisation Introduction

We are a dedicated team from Graz University of Technology, operating within the Institute of Thermal Engineering.

We are specialized in high-temperature processes, which are examined and optimized both numerically and experimentally. To excel in research and development, we start our journey at the catalyst level, proceeding over other remaining Balance-of-Plant (BoP) components (e.g. reforming reactors), single cells and stacks in different sizes and power performance up to small- and large-scale systems. All the development, optimizazion and investigation tasks are conducted in-house to ensure precision and control. Employing sophisticated simulations, modeling techniques, and real-time online monitoring, we continually push the boundaries of innovation in our field. Committed to advancing clean energy solutions, we are driven by passion and a relentless pursuit of excellence, striving to make meaningful contributions to the sustainable future of energy.


We chose to be part of Project ELECTROLIFE not only because of its crucial focus on extending the lifespan of electrolysers but also because it represents an original and pioneering endeavor in the field. This project encompasses research into all types of electrolysis, including solid oxide cells, which aligns perfectly with our expertise in this area. By conducting comprehensive studies on single-cell and stack technologies across various electrolysis methods, ELECTROLIFE is at the forefront of electrolysis innovation. Electrolysers play a pivotal role in the transition to the next-generation energy system based solely on renewable energy by enabling the production of hydrogen from sources like water and renewable electricity. However, their longevity and efficiency are key challenges that must be addressed for widespread adoption. By prolonging the lifespan of electrolysers, ELECTROLIFE directly contributes to the viability and scalability of renewable hydrogen production. This has far-reaching implications for decarbonizing sectors such as transportation, industry, and power generation. Our involvement in ELECTROLIFE reflects our commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions and driving meaningful impact in combating climate change.


In Project ELECTROLIFE, our involvement spans various crucial aspects. Primarily, we’re contributing the modeling of stack systems, utilizing advanced computational techniques to optimize performance and longevity. Additionally, we’re actively engaged in testing single-cell and stack systems, meticulously evaluating their efficiency and durability under diverse operating conditions. Furthermore, we’re performing degradation investigations, pinpointing factors that affect electrolyser lifespan and developing mitigation strategies. Integral to our role is knowledge sharing, where we disseminate insights garnered from our research to collaborators and stakeholders. Through these multifaceted contributions, we’re driving impactful advancements in electrolysis technology within the ELECTROLIFE project.

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“The ELECTROLIFE-project is pivotal in our journey to improve electrolysis technology and make it to be an inevitable part of the future energy system. Through research collaboration and knowledge exchange, we strive to make electrolysers more efficient and durable for a greener future.”

Project progress


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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