Hyter Srl

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Hyter Srl

Organisation Introduction

Hyter is a company producing a range of electrolysers for hydrogen production, implementing an innovative technology: anion exchange membranes AEMWE. A choice granting relevant environmental and technical advantages, along with a reduction on the plant’s capital and operating expenditures. Located in Desenzano del Garda (Brescia), Hyter is an evolution of a business adventure started back in 2011. After the acquisition from group Pietro Fiorentini, back in July 2021, from the union of English word hydrogen and Latin word iter (travel) Hyter was born, promoting new routes for hydrogen utilization.


Hyter aims to develop ever further the AEMWE technology, core of its business and in line with its environmental commitments. Being one of the most recent but also most prominent technologies, all efforts directed to the improvement of the performances are precious in order to gain independence from rare metals and to establish the most efficient electrolysis technologies in the market and in this sense the European Union research funding is precious.


Hyter will contribute to the project by sharing its knowledge related to known cause-effect degradation phenomena on its technology providing the starting point of the research project, supplying cell components for the realization of short and long term tests and analyses, co-developing together with Pietro Fiorentini a standardized 100cm2-cell stack and supplying four copies of it for long-term degradation testing.


“The ELECTROLIFE project helps us to push the boundaries of AEMWE technology even further, enabling it to be ever more a reliable choice in the hydrogen market of the future, and of today.”

Project progress


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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