The ELECTROLIFE coffee break with Vanja Subotic from Graz University of Technology

“I am an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences at Graz University of Technology. I work at the Institute of Thermal Engineering where I lead the Fuel Cell Research Group, with a focus set on high-temperature processes including high-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), electrolysis (SOE) and catalytic processes. Since 2019, I have also been served a visiting professor and part-time lecturer at Kyushu University in Japan. Since beginning of this year I am a member of a prestigious European Hydrogen Sustainability and Circularity Panel comprised of 15 experts as part of an initiative for clean hydrogen.

In the ELECTROLIFE project I lead a research team at Graz University of Technology. Our main goal is to optimize operation of high-temperature solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) and to predict, understand and mitigate degradation that can occur during the SOE operation and eventually significantly shorten its lifetime. For this purpose we will apply both numerical and experimental tools.”

What was your original motivation to become a researcher?
“My drive to become a researcher came from a genuine curiosity about how things work and a desire to tackle complex problems. Ever since I was a child, I have always enjoyed solving mathematical and physical problems. I have been fascinated by science and technology, and I just knew I wanted to study technical sciences. What really drew me to high-temperature fuel cells and electrolysis is their amazing potential to solve big, pressing issues such as climate crisis, emissions, a possible “apocalyptic” blackout. High-temperature cells can generate electricity and heat in a highly efficient manner with water as a byproduct, as well as valuable fuels for further application by utilizing renewables. This means, we don’t depend on the fossil fuel reserves and make a great contribution for cleaner energy solutions. The opportunity to work on these innovative technologies feels like a perfect fit for my passion to create sustainable solutions and protect our planet. This commitment to making a positive impact has been the heart of my journey in research.”

What is your (main) research area today?
Currently, in my research group at Graz University of Technology, I am focused on investigating high-temperature fuel cells and electrolysis and development of state-of-the-health monitoring tools as well as strategies to prolong their lifetime. At the Institute of Thermal Engineering, we have designed and constructed a number of different test rigs, suitable to examine and optimize single cells in different sizes from small cells up to industrially-sized cells, stacks and even systems up to several kWs. We thoroughly evaluate their efficiency, reliability and durability under various relevant operating conditions. In addition, we aim to understand SOC behaviour and predict the lifetime, for the aim of which we conduct degradation investigations to identify factors affecting the lifespan of electrolyzers and develop strategies to mitigate degradation as well as regenerate already degraded cells. In order to accelerate commercialization of the technology, we develop protocols to accelerate degradation, understand relevant degradation stressors and obtain results in a time-efficient manner. We are also engaged in reforming research and the combination of reforming with electrolysis to produce eFuels. Besides the experimental investigations, we are also contributing to the modeling of stack systems, utilizing advanced computational techniques to optimize performance and longevity.”

What are the main objectives of your team in ELECTROLIFE?
“In ELECTROLIFE, our involvement spans various crucial facets. Primarily, we’re contributing the modeling of stack systems, utilizing advanced computational techniques to optimize performance and longevity as well as predict and understand degradation. Additionally, we’re actively engaged in testing single-cell and stack systems, thoroughly evaluating their efficiency and durability under diverse operating conditions. Furthermore, we’re performing degradation investigations, pinpointing factors that affect electrolyser lifespan and developing mitigation strategies. Integral to our role is knowledge sharing, where we disseminate insights garnered from our research to collaborators and stakeholders. Through these multifaceted contributions, we’re driving impactful advancements in electrolysis technology within the ELECTROLIFE project.”

What expertise and facilities does your team have to meet those objectives?
“At the Institute of Thermal Engineering, with more than 15 year of experience in research in this relevant field, we have two laboratories and equipment for testing catalysts, SOFC and SOE cells, stacks and systems up to 5 kW. The laboratories are equipped with the required safety technology, fuel preparation equipment, test rigs for SOFC and SOE cells, stacks, systems and reforming stations. All test rigs are equipped with fully automated control system units and remote controls, electronic loads, power supplies, EIS analysers, mass flow controllers, volume flow meters and steam generators. Gas analysis systems are available for all the gas components, even for hydrocarbons and steam. All the available infrastructure will be used for the purpose of the ELECTROLIFE project. All our test rigs are built in-house, as we also have a workshop in addition to these laboratories.”

Which aspects of your research at ELECTROLIFE do you find the most innovative and what unique opportunities offer ELECTROLIFE to you and your organisation?
“At ELECTROLIFE, the most exciting aspect of our research is the chance to be at the cutting edge of extending the lifespan of electrolysers and advancing electrolysis technology. What makes this opportunity truly special is that we get to be among the first to successfully tackle this challenge, setting new benchmarks in the field and even for all available electrolysis technology, due to a cooperation between universities, research centers and leading companies from this field. This project also offers a fantastic chance to grow both personally and professionally. We’re connecting with top experts and institutions, which not only broadens our network but also opens doors for future collaborations. It’s an exciting time for us, as we have the opportunity to lead in a crucial area of renewable energy and make a real difference. Being part of ELECTROLIFE is about pushing boundaries, forming valuable relationships, and contributing to something impactful.”

How do you see the future use and impact of the ELECTROLIFE results?
“The results of ELECTROLIFE are set to have a significant impact on the energy sector. By enhancing the efficiency and lifespan of electrolysers, the project will make renewable hydrogen production more viable and cost-effective. This will facilitate the adoption of hydrogen in various industries and power generation, supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. In the long term, these advancements will contribute to decarbonizing energy systems and drive further innovation in clean energy technologies, shaping a more sustainable future.”

Project progress


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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