Expected and Achieved Results

On this page you can find the project's expected and achieved results (deliverables).

WP1 Project Management and Coordination

Expected / Achieved results:

D1.1. Project Handbook
D1.2. Initial Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plan
D1.3. Data Management Plan
D1.4. Final Quality Assurance and Risk Management Plan
D1.5.-D1.9. Year TRUST report

WP2 Degradation phenomena comprehension

Expected / Achieved results:

D2.1. Degradation phenomena compendium
D2.2. Components and single cells degradation analysis

WP3 Degradation modelling and lifetime prediction

Expected / Achieved results:

D3.1. Modeling at single cell level
D3.2. Modeling at stack level
D3.3 Degradation models validation
D3.4. Lifetime models development
D3.5 Lifetime models validation

WP4 Test procedures

Expected / Achieved results:

D4.1 Specification, terminology and Harmonised protocols for LTEL 
D4.2 Specification, terminology and Harmonised protocols for HTEL
D4.3 Ex-situ testing protocols for assessing LTEL and HTEL
D4.4 LTEL protocols after first validation and JRC feedback
D4.5 HTEL protocols after first validation and JRC feedback
D4.6 Ex-situ protocols after first validation and JRC feedback

WP5 Testing and Diagnostic Tools

Expected / Achieved results:

D5.1 Specifications of the testing tools
D5.2 Testing tools development
D5.3 Standardization of data-set for experimental data
D5.4 Diagnostic tools for SoH of electrolysers

WP6 Technologies development and assessment

Expected / Achieved results:

D6.1 Development of innovative AEL, PEMEL, AEMEL, SOEL, PCCEL short-stacks with improved lifetime 
D6.2 Relevant results data collection 
D6.3 Analysis of experimental results
D6.4 Correlations between tests and post-mortem analysis

WP7 Improved durability solutions

Expected / Achieved results:

D7.1 Guidelines on technologies improvements
D7.2 Life cycle assessment of ELECTROLIFE technologies
D7.3 Guidelines on operating modes for electrolysers lifetime extension

WP8 Dissemination, exploitation and communication

Expected / Achieved results:

D8.1 Project identity (including project website) 
D8.2 Communication & Dissemination Plan including prelimianry Exploitation strategy 
D8.3 Exploitable results and exploitation routes
D8.4 Final Exploitation plans and IPR protection strategies

Project progress


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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